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The New Stuff

Serbian Cuisine

Serbian cuisine, as a heterogeneous one, is actually derived from mixed cuisines, mostly influenced by Mediterranean (especially Greek), Hungarian, Turkish and Austrian cuisines. Ćevapčići, which is actually a meal with heavily grilled ground meat patties and a lot of spicy condiments, is considered to be the national dish of Serbia.
Depending on the country region, you can find different methods to cook a traditional classic meal. The Serbian cuisine is rich in fat meals, and almost every dish contains meat.
The one certain thing about the Serbian cuisine, is the fact that all people in this country will usually serve three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner, lunch being the most consistent one. It usually has three courses: soup, the second course, and a dessert which in most cases will be a baked cake.
Serbians make large variety of dishes in their own home, many of which be purchased in stores by Westerners. Rakija (fruit brandy), jam, jelly, various pickled food, notably sauerkraut (kiseli kupus - pickled cabbage), ajvar and even sausages are prepared in a family get-together event.
This book is Collection of 129 All-Time Best Traditional Serbian Dishes for Any Occasion.


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